Side Hustle Internship Task

Ade-Otoki Daniel
2 min readFeb 20, 2021

For the first class of the internship, we were taught design thinking, how to apply design thinking to solve users’ problem


A Company has reached out to your (your team) to create a solution to aid their users' order food online.
Using the design thinking approach, walk me through how you intend to create the solution.


Step1, Understanding the brief.

The step is to understand the clients brief, then the problem they're trying to solve and business goals after having a one on one with relevant parties involved.

Step2, Design Thinking.

Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we(designers) seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative solutions to users problems.

  1. Empathize: In the empathy stage, i and my team organized interviews with a couple of our target audience, in order to gain insight on how they get their food, i.e; do they go to the mall, do they order online, do they have their first meal of the day at work or before leaving for work. These are some of the insights we gained in order to better understand what they need, what their frustrations are and how they feel.
  2. Define: After the empathy stage, with the insights we got from the user interviews, we began to define the problems of our users by asking “How might we improve the experience of ordering food online?”
  3. Ideate: We have gotten the problems we are trying to solve, it is time to come up with innovative solutions. I and my team have brainstorming sessions, brainwriting. At this stage, we come up with as many ideas as we can and none of them as seen as the right or wrong solution.
  4. Prototype: We come up with a prototype or mockup of the solution we feel will solve the problem at hand and present to stakeholders and then test with users.
  5. Test: We test our prototype with users, to see how they interact with and observe them, to find out underlying problems and if our prototype actually solved the problem of ordering food online. If more problems come up, I and my team would go back to the ideation phase, since design thinking is an iterative process, we keep interesting until we get the right solution.

Once we come up with the right solution, we launch the product and keep iterating, the design thinking has no stop if your product to be useable, desirable to users.



Ade-Otoki Daniel
Ade-Otoki Daniel

Written by Ade-Otoki Daniel

Kon'nichiwa, I’m Otoki, a Product designer and Webflow developer with over 3 years of experience. Big interest in Fintech and Formula 1.

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